

“The biggest bonus for us, through working with the Ray Rose team, was that their dance shoes were already the best shoes available.

Our shoes benefit from two years development with an internationally respected physiotherapist. They feature a revolutionary ‘2-point’ arch support; also the heels are aligned perfectly, for optimum balance.”

Bryan Watson

“The toe shape allows for even distribution of your weight across the foot.

For me the balance of the shoe is in exactly the right place and once I am wearing the shoes, I cannot feel them. They are not too light and not too heavy. For me it is a perfect shoe.”

Shirley Hancock – Physiotherapist

A major cause of injury for Ballroom and Latin dancers is badly-fitting shoes. “The shoes are one of my biggest problems” explains Shirley. “I think that dancers often don’t know when their shoes don’t fit. They don’t know what’s needed to give them the optimum support and the best placement for dancing. The shoes are often working against them, actually holding them back.“

In fact, Shirley has come across so many injuries caused by footwear during her career that she worked with Carmen and specialist Ray Rose to design a shoe specifically for Carmen.

“Ray Rose shoes are available to all dancers, and their success marks another step in the right direction for Ballroom and Latin training. While there is still some way to go, it seems that reverting to basics – in terms of footwear – is the route to success.”